

Blood Collection Tubes For Liquid Biopsy Market

Blood Collection Tubes For Liquid Biopsy Market By Type (ccfDNA Tubes, cfRNA Tubes, CTC Tubes, gDNA Tubes, and Others), By Material (Glass, and Plastic), By Application (In-Vitro Diagnostics (IVD), and Research), By End User (Genetic Diagnostic Labs, R&D Centers, and Conventional Diagnostic Centers), Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecasts 2024-2031

Report ID : 2721 | Publisher ID : Meta | Published : 2024-06-11 | Pages : 255

Licence Type
$ 3550
$ 5350
$ 7100


The Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market, within the broader healthcare industry, represents a dynamic sector poised for significant advancements and innovations in the coming years. As technology continues to revolutionize medical diagnostics, liquid biopsy has emerged as a promising technique for non-invasive detection and monitoring of various diseases, including cancer. At the heart of liquid biopsy lies the need for efficient and reliable blood collection tubes designed specifically to preserve and stabilize circulating biomarkers. 

These specialized blood collection tubes play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity of biomolecules such as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), circulating tumor cells (CTCs), and other analytes present in the bloodstream. Unlike traditional tissue biopsies, which often require invasive procedures and may not capture the heterogeneity of a tumor, liquid biopsies offer a less invasive alternative that allows for real-time monitoring of disease progression and treatment response. 

In the foreseeable future, the demand for blood collection tubes optimized for liquid biopsy applications is expected to surge as healthcare providers increasingly recognize the clinical utility of liquid biopsy in personalized medicine and precision oncology. These tubes will need to meet stringent quality standards to ensure accurate and reproducible results, driving innovation in tube design, materials, and preservation techniques. 

Moreover, with ongoing research efforts aimed at expanding the applications of liquid biopsy beyond oncology to areas such as infectious diseases, prenatal screening, and transplant monitoring, the market for blood collection tubes is poised for exponential growth. As new biomarkers are discovered and validated, blood collection tubes will need to evolve to accommodate the diverse requirements of different diagnostic assays. 

Furthermore, the globalization of healthcare and the rising prevalence of chronic diseases worldwide will fuel the demand for blood collection tubes for liquid biopsy across geographies. Emerging economies are expected to represent lucrative markets for these tubes as healthcare infrastructure improves and awareness about the benefits of liquid biopsy grows. 

To capitalize on these opportunities, industry players will need to invest in research and development to continually enhance the performance and versatility of blood collection tubes for liquid biopsy. Collaboration between manufacturers, healthcare providers, and research institutions will be essential to drive innovation and address unmet needs in this rapidly evolving field. 

The Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is poised for significant growth and innovation in the coming years, driven by advancements in technology, increasing adoption of liquid biopsy in clinical practice, and expanding applications beyond oncology. As the healthcare industry embraces the potential of liquid biopsy to revolutionize disease diagnosis and management, the demand for high-quality blood collection tubes optimized for this purpose will continue to rise, presenting lucrative opportunities for industry stakeholders. 

Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is estimated to reach $151.6 Million by 2031; growing at a CAGR of 14.1% from 2024 to 2031.


The Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is witnessing growth due to rising cancer cases and the demand for less invasive diagnostic approaches. This surge is fueled by advancements in liquid biopsy technologies and personalized medicine, which emphasize the need for efficient sample collection. Despite these positive trends, regulatory obstacles and compliance issues in sample collection and processing, along with limited reimbursement policies, could impede market expansion. 

Looking ahead, the market is poised for further development with the expansion of liquid biopsy applications beyond cancer diagnostics. Areas such as prenatal testing and infectious disease monitoring hold promising opportunities for market growth in the future. 

The increasing prevalence of cancer globally is a major factor propelling the demand for liquid biopsy methods. These methods offer a less invasive alternative to traditional tissue biopsies, making them attractive for patients and healthcare providers alike. Additionally, liquid biopsies enable the monitoring of tumor progression and treatment response over time, providing valuable insights for personalized treatment strategies. 

Advancements in liquid biopsy technologies have enhanced their sensitivity and specificity, allowing for the detection of genetic mutations and biomarkers associated with cancer at earlier stages. This has significant implications for improving patient outcomes through early detection and intervention. 

Personalized medicine, which tailors treatment plans to individual patients based on their unique genetic profiles, is driving the need for more efficient sample collection methods. Liquid biopsies play a crucial role in this paradigm by enabling the non-invasive and real-time monitoring of disease progression and treatment response. 

However, the market faces challenges related to regulatory compliance and reimbursement policies. The development and commercialization of liquid biopsy products require adherence to stringent regulatory standards, which can delay time-to-market and increase costs. Moreover, limited reimbursement for liquid biopsy procedures may deter healthcare providers from adopting these technologies, particularly in regions with constrained healthcare budgets. 

Looking ahead, the expansion of liquid biopsy applications into new clinical areas presents significant growth opportunities for the market. Prenatal testing, for example, could benefit from the non-invasive nature of liquid biopsies, offering expectant mothers a safer alternative to invasive procedures such as amniocentesis. Similarly, the ability to monitor infectious diseases through liquid biopsies could revolutionize disease surveillance and management strategies. 

The Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is poised for growth driven by the increasing prevalence of cancer and advancements in liquid biopsy technologies. However, overcoming regulatory hurdles and expanding reimbursement policies will be crucial for unlocking the full potential of these innovative diagnostic tools. 


By Type  

The Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market, segmented by type, offers a glimpse into the future of medical diagnostics. In 2021, various types of tubes held different values in the market. Among these, ccfDNA Tubes were valued at 11.3 USD Million, indicating a significant demand for tubes specifically designed for circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) collection. This suggests a growing interest in non-invasive methods for genetic testing and cancer screening. 

Similarly, cfRNA Tubes, valued at 17 USD Million, signify the importance of collecting cell-free RNA (cfRNA) for molecular diagnostics and disease monitoring. As research advances, the potential applications of cfRNA in detecting and monitoring diseases such as cancer and infectious diseases will likely expand, driving the demand for specialized collection tubes. 

Another notable segment is CTC Tubes, valued at 2.98 USD Million. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) hold immense promise as biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment monitoring. The value attributed to CTC Tubes reflects the growing recognition of liquid biopsies as a valuable tool in cancer management, offering insights into tumor biology and treatment response. 

Additionally, the market includes gDNA Tubes and other types of blood collection tubes catering to specific research and diagnostic needs. The diversity of tube types highlights the complexity of liquid biopsy applications and the need for specialized collection and preservation methods to ensure the integrity of biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins. 

Looking ahead, the Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is poised for further growth and innovation. Advancements in technology and research will likely lead to the development of more specialized tubes tailored to specific biomarkers and diagnostic applications. This evolution will enable healthcare professionals to extract more precise and comprehensive information from liquid biopsies, enhancing their ability to diagnose diseases, monitor treatment response, and personalize patient care. 

Moreover, the increasing adoption of liquid biopsies over traditional tissue biopsies will drive the demand for blood collection tubes optimized for different sample types and biomolecules. As liquid biopsy techniques become more accessible and cost-effective, they will revolutionize disease diagnosis and management, offering patients non-invasive and real-time insights into their health status. 

The segmentation of the Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market by type reflects the diverse applications and evolving landscape of liquid biopsy technologies. With continued research and innovation, these specialized tubes will play a crucial role in advancing personalized medicine and improving patient outcomes in the future. 

By Material  

The Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is segmented based on the materials used, primarily into glass and plastic. Both materials offer distinct advantages and cater to different needs within the medical industry.

Glass blood collection tubes have long been a staple in medical settings due to their durability and inert nature. They are suitable for a wide range of applications, including traditional blood tests and liquid biopsies. Glass tubes provide a stable environment for preserving blood samples, ensuring accurate test results over time. However, they can be fragile and pose a risk of breakage, especially during transportation or handling. 

However, plastic blood collection tubes are gaining popularity for their lightweight and shatter-resistant properties. They are more convenient to use in settings where breakage is a concern, such as fieldwork or mobile clinics. Plastic tubes also offer flexibility in design, allowing for innovations such as vacuum-sealed caps and integrated additives for sample preservation. However, concerns about potential chemical interactions between plastic materials and blood samples may limit their use in certain applications. 

Looking ahead, advancements in materials science may lead to the development of new blood collection tube materials with enhanced properties. Future tubes may incorporate nanotechnology to improve durability, reduce contamination, and enhance sample stability. Researchers are also exploring biodegradable materials as a sustainable alternative to conventional plastics, addressing environmental concerns associated with medical waste. 

By Application  

As technology advances, the demand for more efficient and less invasive diagnostic methods has escalated. Among these innovations, global blood collection tubes for liquid biopsy are emerging as a promising avenue, offering a non-invasive yet effective means of detecting various diseases. 

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical research and diagnostics, liquid biopsy holds immense potential. Unlike traditional tissue biopsies, which involve invasive procedures, liquid biopsy utilizes bodily fluids such as blood to detect biomarkers associated with various medical conditions. This approach not only reduces patient discomfort but also allows for more frequent monitoring, enabling early detection and intervention. 

The Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is categorized based on its applications, with two primary segments: In-Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) and Research. In-Vitro Diagnostics play a crucial role in clinical settings, facilitating the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases. By utilizing blood collection tubes for liquid biopsy, healthcare professionals can access valuable molecular information without the need for invasive procedures, thereby enhancing patient care and treatment outcomes. 

Research, on the other hand, encompasses a broad spectrum of scientific endeavors aimed at advancing our understanding of disease mechanisms and developing novel therapeutic interventions. Blood collection tubes for liquid biopsy serve as indispensable tools in research laboratories, enabling scientists to analyze circulating biomarkers with unprecedented precision and efficiency. 

By End User the 

In today's dynamic world, advancements in medical technology continue to reshape the landscape of healthcare. One such innovation that holds promise for the future is the development of Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy. These tubes are poised to revolutionize the way we diagnose and monitor various medical conditions, offering a non-invasive and efficient method for obtaining crucial diagnostic information. 

The market for Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy is segmented based on end users, with key divisions including Genetic Diagnostic Labs, R&D Centers, and Conventional Diagnostic Centers. Each segment plays a vital role in the use and advancement of liquid biopsy technology. 

Genetic Diagnostic Labs represent a cornerstone in the application of liquid biopsy techniques. These labs specialize in analyzing genetic material extracted from bodily fluids, including blood samples collected using advanced blood collection tubes. By leveraging liquid biopsy technology, Genetic Diagnostic Labs can offer precise and personalized diagnostic insights, aiding in the early detection and treatment of various diseases, including cancer. 

R&D Centers serve as hubs for innovation and discovery in the field of liquid biopsy. Researchers and scientists within these centers are continuously exploring new methodologies and technologies to enhance the efficacy and accessibility of liquid biopsy testing. Blood collection tubes designed for liquid biopsy are integral to these endeavors, providing researchers with reliable and standardized tools for sample collection and analysis. 

Conventional Diagnostic Centers, while traditionally focused on more invasive diagnostic procedures, are increasingly recognizing the value of liquid biopsy techniques. By incorporating blood collection tubes for liquid biopsy into their diagnostic protocols, these centers can offer patients a less invasive alternative to traditional tissue biopsies. This not only improves patient comfort but also enables healthcare providers to obtain real-time insights into disease progression and treatment response. 

Looking ahead, the Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is poised for significant growth as technological advancements continue to drive innovation in healthcare. With an increasing emphasis on personalized medicine and early disease detection, the demand for liquid biopsy solutions is expected to soar. Moreover, as awareness and adoption of liquid biopsy techniques grow across various healthcare settings, the market for blood collection tubes tailored for this purpose will expand accordingly.  


The global market for Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy is segmented based on geography into five regions: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Middle East & Africa. This segmentation allows for a better understanding of how the market is distributed across different regions and provides insights into regional trends and preferences. 

North America, being one of the leading regions in terms of technological advancements and healthcare infrastructure, will likely continue to dominate the Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market. The presence of key market players and a high adoption rate of advanced medical technologies in countries like the United States and Canada will contribute to the growth of this market segment. 

Europe is expected to witness significant growth in the Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market due to increasing investments in healthcare research and development, along with rising awareness about the benefits of liquid biopsy techniques for cancer diagnosis and monitoring. Countries like Germany, France, and the United Kingdom are likely to be key contributors to market growth in this region. 

The Asia-Pacific region, with its rapidly expanding healthcare sector and increasing government initiatives to improve healthcare infrastructure, will emerge as a lucrative market for Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy. Countries such as China, Japan, and India are expected to witness substantial growth in demand for liquid biopsy technologies, driven by factors such as a large population base, rising prevalence of cancer, and growing awareness about early disease detection. 

South America is also anticipated to experience growth in the Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market, fueled by improving healthcare facilities and rising healthcare expenditure in countries like Brazil and Argentina. The adoption of liquid biopsy techniques for cancer diagnosis and treatment monitoring is expected to increase in this region, contributing to market expansion. 

The Middle East & Africa region is projected to witness moderate growth in the Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market. Factors such as increasing investments in healthcare infrastructure and rising awareness about advanced diagnostic techniques are likely to drive market growth in countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and South Africa. 

The global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is geographically diverse, with each region offering unique opportunities and challenges. Understanding regional dynamics and consumer preferences will be crucial for companies operating in this market to capitalize on growth opportunities and stay competitive. 


The Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market boasts a roster of prominent players driving innovation and competition. Roche, Streck, Preanalytix, Norgen Biotek, Biocept, Menarini Silicon Biosystems, Exact Sciences Corporation, Invitek Diagnostics, Abbott Laboratories, Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD), Sysmex Corporation, Menarini Silicon Biosystems, Guardant Health, Greiner Bio-One, Epic Sciences, and ANGLE plc are among the key contenders shaping the industry landscape. 

These companies are instrumental in developing advanced technologies and solutions for liquid biopsy, a cutting-edge approach to detecting and monitoring diseases using bodily fluids. By harnessing the power of liquid biopsy, they aim to revolutionize diagnostics and personalized medicine, offering non-invasive alternatives to traditional tissue biopsies. 

Roche, for instance, is a frontrunner in the field, leveraging its expertise to pioneer novel blood collection tube technologies for liquid biopsy applications. Similarly, Streck and Preanalytix are known for their contributions to sample stabilization and preservation, ensuring the integrity of biomarkers for accurate analysis. 

Norgen Biotek and Biocept specialize in the isolation and detection of circulating tumor cells and cell-free DNA, essential components of liquid biopsy assays. Their innovative platforms enable clinicians to monitor disease progression and therapeutic response with greater precision. 

Menarini Silicon Biosystems and Exact Sciences Corporation are at the forefront of developing comprehensive liquid biopsy solutions, integrating sample preparation, analysis, and interpretation into streamlined workflows. Invitek Diagnostics and Abbott Laboratories excel in developing diagnostic assays and kits tailored for specific disease indications, enhancing clinical utility and accessibility. 

Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) and Sysmex Corporation provide essential infrastructure and automation solutions, optimizing sample processing and throughput for high-volume laboratories. Guardant Health and Greiner Bio-One focus on commercializing liquid biopsy tests for oncology applications, expanding the clinical utility of these technologies. 

Epic Sciences and ANGLE plc are driving innovation in rare cell detection and analysis, enabling the detection of rare genetic mutations and treatment resistance mechanisms. Their breakthroughs have profound implications for precision medicine, guiding therapeutic decisions and improving patient outcomes. 

The Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is characterized by intense competition and innovation, with key players driving advancements in technology, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Their collective efforts will continue to shape the future of medicine, ushering in an era of personalized healthcare and improved patient outcomes. 

Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy Market Key Segments: 

By Type 

  • ccfDNA Tubes 
  • cfRNA Tubes 
  • CTC Tubes 
  • gDNA Tubes 
  • Others 

By Material 

  • Glass 
  • Plastic 

By Application 

  • In-Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) 
  • Research 

By End User 

  • Genetic Diagnostic Labs 
  • R&D Centers 
  • Conventional Diagnostic Centers 

Key Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy Industry Players 


  • Full in-depth analysis of the parent Industry 
  • Important changes in market and its dynamics 
  • Segmentation details of the market 
  • Former, on-going, and projected market analysis in terms of volume and value 
  • Assessment of niche industry developments 
  • Market share analysis 
  • Key strategies of major players 
  • Emerging segments and regional growth potential 

1. Market Introduction
1.1. Executive Summary
1.2. Market Definition
1.3. Market Scope
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Primary Research
2.2. Research Methodology
2.3. Assumptions & Exclusions
2.4. Secondary data sources
3. Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy Market Overview
3.1. Report Segmentation & Scope
3.2. Key Market Trend
3.3. Drivers
3.3.1. Increasing prevalence of cancer and demand for non-invasive diagnostic methods.
3.3.2. Advancements in liquid biopsy technologies and personalized medicine drive the need for efficient sample collection.
3.4. Restraints
3.4.1. Regulatory hurdles and compliance challenges in liquid biopsy sample collection and processing.
3.4.2. Limited reimbursement policies for liquid biopsy procedures affecting adoption rates.
3.5. Opportunity
3.5.1. Expansion of liquid biopsy applications beyond cancer diagnostics into areas such as prenatal testing and infectious disease monitoring.
3.6. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
3.6.1. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
3.7. Market Share Analysis
4. Type Overview
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. Market Size & Forecast
4.2. ccfDNA Tubes
4.2.1. Market Size & Forecast
4.3. cfRNA Tubes
4.3.1. Market Size & Forecast
4.4. CTC Tubes
4.4.1. Market Size & Forecast
4.5. gDNA Tubes
4.5.1. Market Size & Forecast
4.6. Others
4.6.1. Market Size & Forecast
5. Material Overview
5.1. Introduction
5.1.1. Market Size & Forecast
5.2. Glass
5.2.1. Market Size & Forecast
5.3. Plastic
5.3.1. Market Size & Forecast
6. Application Overview
6.1. Introduction
6.1.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.2. In-Vitro Diagnostics (IVD)
6.2.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.3. Research
6.3.1. Market Size & Forecast
7. End User Overview
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.2. Genetic Diagnostic Labs
7.2.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.3. R&D Centers
7.3.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.4. Conventional Diagnostic Centers
7.4.1. Market Size & Forecast
8. Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy Market Regional Overview
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.2. North America Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy Market
8.2.1. North America Market Size & Forecast, By Country
8.2.2. North America Market Size & Forecast, By Type
8.2.3. North America Market Size & Forecast, By Material
8.2.4. North America Market Size & Forecast, By Application
8.2.5. North America Market Size & Forecast, By End User
8.2.6. U.S. Market Size and Forecast
8.2.7. Canada Market Size and Forecast
8.2.8. Mexico Market Size and Forecast
8.3. Europe Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy Market
8.3.1. Europe Market Size & Forecast, By Country
8.3.2. Europe Market Size & Forecast, By Type
8.3.3. Europe Market Size & Forecast, By Material
8.3.4. Europe Market Size & Forecast, By Application
8.3.5. Europe Market Size & Forecast, By End User
8.3.6. Germany Market Size and Forecast
8.3.7. France Market Size and Forecast
8.3.8. UK Market Size and Forecast
8.3.9. Italy Market Size and Forecast
8.3.10. Spain Market Size and Forecast
8.3.11. Rest of Europe Market Size and Forecast
8.4. Asia-Pacific Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy Market
8.4.1. Asia-Pacific Market Size & Forecast, By Country
8.4.2. Asia-Pacific Market Size & Forecast, By Type
8.4.3. Asia-Pacific Market Size & Forecast, By Material
8.4.4. Asia-Pacific Market Size & Forecast, By Application
8.4.5. Asia-Pacific Market Size & Forecast, By End User
8.4.6. China Market Size and Forecast
8.4.7. Japan Market Size and Forecast
8.4.8. India Market Size and Forecast
8.4.9. South Korea Market Size and Forecast
8.4.10. Australia Market Size and Forecast
8.4.11. Southeast Asia Market Size and Forecast
8.4.12. Rest of Asia-Pacific Market Size and Forecast
8.5. South America Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy Market
8.5.1. South America Market Size & Forecast, By Country
8.5.2. South America Market Size & Forecast, By Type
8.5.3. South America Market Size & Forecast, By Material
8.5.4. South America Market Size & Forecast, By Application
8.5.5. South America Market Size & Forecast, By End User
8.5.6. Brazil Market Size and Forecast
8.5.7. Argentina Market Size and Forecast
8.5.8. Rest of South America Market Size and Forecast
8.6. Middle East & Africa Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy Market
8.6.1. Middle East & Africa Market Size & Forecast, By Country
8.6.2. Middle East & Africa Market Size & Forecast, By Type
8.6.3. Middle East & Africa Market Size & Forecast, By Material
8.6.4. Middle East & Africa Market Size & Forecast, By Application
8.6.5. Middle East & Africa Market Size & Forecast, By End User
8.6.6. GCC Countries Market Size and Forecast
8.6.7. UAE Market Size and Forecast
8.6.8. Saudi Arabia Market Size and Forecast
8.6.9. South Africa Market Size and Forecast
8.6.10. Rest of Middle East & Africa Market Size and Forecast
9. Company Profile
9.1. Roche
9.1.1. Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors
9.1.2. Roche Product Category, Application, and Specification
9.1.3. Roche Financial Performance (2020-2022)
9.1.4. Main Business/Business Overview
9.2. Streck
9.3. Preanalytix
9.4. Norgen Biotek
9.5. Biocept
9.6. Menarini Silicon Biosystems
9.7. Exact Sciences Corporation
9.8. Invitek Diagnostics
9.9. Abbott Laboratories
9.10. Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD)
9.11. Sysmex Corporation
9.12. Menarini Silicon Biosystems
9.13. Guardant Health
9.14. Greiner Bio-One
9.15. Epic Sciences
9.16. ANGLE plc

  • Roche
  • Streck
  • Preanalytix
  • Norgen Biotek
  • Biocept
  • Menarini Silicon Biosystems
  • Exact Sciences Corporation
  • Invitek Diagnostics
  • Abbott Laboratories
  • Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD)
  • Sysmex Corporation
  • Menarini Silicon Biosystems
  • Guardant Health
  • Greiner Bio-One
  • Epic Sciences


Frequently Asked Questions

Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is valued at $65.5 million in 2024.
Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 4.1% from 2024 to 2031.
Global Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy market is estimated to reach $151.6 million by 2031
Top players operating in the Blood Collection Tubes for Liquid Biopsy industry includes Roche, Streck, Preanalytix, Norgen Biotek, Biocept, Menarini S