

Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets Market

Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets Market By Material Type (Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), and Others), By Thickness (Less than 3 mm, 3 to 8 mm, and Above 8 mm), By End Use (Healthcare Packaging, Food Packaging, Automotive Packaging, Electronics Packaging, Logistics & Transportation, Building & Construction, Agriculture & Allied Products, and Others), Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecasts 2024-2031

Report ID : 2605 | Publisher ID : Meta | Published : 2024-03-07 | Pages : 257

Licence Type
$ 3550
$ 5350
$ 7100


The Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market stands within the broader industrial landscape,  showcasing its resilience and adaptability to contemporary demands. This robust industry has carved  a distinctive niche, serving diverse applications across various sectors. 

The Plastic Corrugated Sheets market in Europe is deeply integrated into industries such as  packaging, signage, construction, and agriculture. It is not merely a collection of transactions but a  vital contributor to the structural and visual aspects of numerous products. The sheets’ versatility is  particularly evident in the packaging realm, where they offer a balance of strength and flexibility,  ensuring the safe transit of goods. 

In construction, these sheets prove instrumental in providing cost-effective solutions for roofing and  cladding. The durability of plastic corrugated sheets, coupled with their lightweight nature, has led  to their widespread adoption in architectural endeavors. This industry has become a silent yet  significant partner in constructing modern structures that withstand environmental challenges. 

Signage, another key arena for these sheets, witnesses their application in creating vibrant and  durable displays. The ability of plastic corrugated sheets to withstand external elements while  maintaining visual appeal positions them as a prime choice for businesses striving to leave a lasting  impression. 

The agricultural sector benefits immensely from the employment of plastic corrugated sheets in  crafting protective shelters, greenhouse covers, and packaging for produce. The impermeable nature  of these sheets shields crops from adverse weather conditions, underlining their role in sustaining  agricultural productivity.

As we delve into the intricacies of the Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market, it becomes apparent  that its influence is not confined to a singular domain. Rather, it thrives in a cross-disciplinary  fashion, seamlessly integrating into the operational frameworks of diverse industries. This  adaptability is the cornerstone of its sustained relevance in an ever-evolving economic landscape. 

The pivotal role played by plastic corrugated sheets is not solely confined to practical applications.  Their impact extends into the creative sphere, where designers and architects leverage their  characteristics to push the boundaries of innovation. The ability to mold and shape these sheets to  meet specific design requirements opens avenues for unique and eye-catching creations. 

In examining the market, it is evident that the Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets industry is  characterized by a spirit of continuous innovation. This innovation, however, is not solely driven by a  quest for growth but rather a commitment to meeting the evolving needs of industries it serves. The  absence of a singular growth factor underscores the industry’s resilience, emphasizing a focus on  quality, adaptability, and sustainability. 

The Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market is not a stagnant entity but a vibrant force intricately  woven into the fabric of various sectors. Its influence spans from the pragmatic realm of packaging  and construction to the realms of creativity and innovation. As industries evolve, so does the role of  plastic corrugated sheets, reaffirming their significance in shaping the visual and structural landscape  of diverse products and applications. 

Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market is estimated to reach $474.7 Million by 2031; growing at  a CAGR of 4.3% from 2024 to 2031.


In the Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market, various factors contribute to its dynamics. One  driving force behind the surge in demand is the increasing need for recyclable and sustainable  packaging options within the packaging industry. This demand underscores a broader societal shift  towards eco-friendly practices, prompting businesses to embrace Plastic Corrugated Sheets as a  viable solution. 

Simultaneously, the construction sector plays a pivotal role in propelling the market forward. The  escalating construction activities have led to a growing requirement for cost-effective and durable  materials. Plastic Corrugated Sheets, with their favorable attributes, find increased application in  building projects, aligning with the need for materials that balance durability and affordability. 

However, amidst the market's ascent, there are hurdles that impede its growth. Stringent  regulations and the escalating environmental concerns surrounding plastic usage present notable  challenges. These constraints manifest as a call for more sustainable practices, pushing the industry  to reassess its reliance on traditional plastic materials. Additionally, the market contends with  alternative materials such as cardboard and metal sheets, offering similar benefits. This creates a  competitive landscape, where Plastic Corrugated Sheets face the challenge of proving their distinct  advantages over these alternatives. 

Amidst these challenges, a notable opportunity arises in the form of developing biodegradable and  eco-friendly corrugated plastic sheets. This opportunity stems from the increasing environmental  awareness permeating society. The development of sheets that align with these eco-friendly  principles presents a significant avenue for market expansion. As consumers and businesses alike  become more environmentally conscious, the demand for sustainable alternatives intensifies. The  market, by embracing the development of biodegradable options, positions itself to meet this  growing demand and carve out a niche in the evolving landscape. 

The Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market is propelled by the dual engines of packaging needs  and construction demands. However, it grapples with challenges posed by stringent regulations,  environmental concerns, and the presence of alternative materials. The transformative opportunity  lies in the development of biodegradable sheets, aligning the market with the escalating  environmental consciousness. As the market navigates these dynamics, it stands at a crucial juncture  where adaptability and innovation will play key roles in shaping its trajectory. 


By Material Type 

The European market for plastic corrugated sheets, categorized by material type, showcases  distinct segments, each contributing to the industry’s overall dynamics. One such segment is  Polyethylene (PE), accounting for a substantial share. In 2023, the Polyethylene (PE)  segment demonstrated a valuation of 144.6 USD Million, highlighting its significance within  the market. 

Another noteworthy component in this landscape is Polypropylene (PP). This material type held its  ground with a valuation of 178.4 USD Million in 2023, underscoring its importance and widespread  use within the plastic corrugated sheets sector. 

Additionally, the market includes an Others segment, encompassing various materials that  collectively contributed to the industry’s value. In 2023, this category was valued at 15.2 USD  Million, signifying a diverse range of materials beyond Polyethylene and Polypropylene. 

This segmentation offers a comprehensive view of the market, delineating the varied materials that  play pivotal roles in the plastic corrugated sheets domain. The Polyethylene (PE) segment caters to  specific needs, while Polypropylene (PP) emerges as a stalwart in its own right. The ‘Others’ category  introduces an element of diversity, reflecting the incorporation of different materials into the  market landscape. 

As we navigate the intricate tapestry of the European plastic corrugated sheets market, these  material-specific insights shed light on the nuanced dynamics within the industry. Polyethylene (PE),  Polypropylene (PP), and the Others category collectively contribute to the market's vibrancy and  economic significance. 

Examining the financial dimensions of each segment, we observe the monetary values attached to  Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), and ‘Others.’ These numerical representations underscore  not only the market size but also the economic impact of each material type. The figures serve as  tangible indicators of the market’s health and vitality, offering stakeholders valuable insights into the  financial pulse of the plastic corrugated sheets sector. 

The European plastic corrugated sheets market, dissected by material type, is a dynamic arena  where Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), and various other materials converge to shape the  industry's trajectory. The numerical valuations of these segments provide a quantitative perspective,  complementing the qualitative understanding of their roles. This dual approach allows for a  comprehensive grasp of the market’s fabric, emphasizing the diverse and interconnected nature of  materials within this thriving sector.

By Thickness  

The European market for plastic corrugated sheets is categorized based on thickness into  three segments: Less than 3 mm, 3 to 8 mm, and Above 8 mm. This classification offers a  comprehensive view of the product range, catering to varying needs and applications across  different industries. 

The significance of this categorization lies in its ability to address the diverse requirements  of end-users. Sheets with a thickness of less than 3 mm are suitable for specific applications  where a lighter material is preferred, perhaps due to portability or flexibility requirements.  On the other hand, the 3 to 8 mm range caters to a middle ground, providing a balance  between sturdiness and flexibility. Meanwhile, sheets with a thickness above 8 mm are  likely favored in applications demanding robustness and durability. 

Understanding these distinctions allows businesses and consumers to make informed  decisions based on their specific needs. It’s not merely a segmentation of products; rather, it  becomes a practical guide in selecting the most suitable plastic corrugated sheet for a  particular purpose. 

In the manufacturing and construction, where the utilization of plastic corrugated sheets is  prominent, the thickness directly influences the overall performance of the material.  Industries relying on these sheets are thereby empowered to streamline their operations by  choosing the right thickness that aligns with their project requirements. 

This categorization mirrors the essence of adaptability within the market. Industries ranging  from packaging to construction find solutions tailored to their distinct needs, ensuring  efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Whether it’s the need for lightweight packaging or the  demand for heavy-duty construction materials, the European market addresses these  requisites through the stratification of thickness categories. 

Moreover, the versatility offered by the varied thickness options fosters innovation.  Manufacturers can develop and refine products, creating solutions that meet the dynamic  demands of the market. This adaptability is not a static feature but an ongoing process that  reflects the ever-changing landscape of consumer needs and technological advancements.

The market's responsiveness to thickness requirements underscores a commitment to  practicality. It’s not about the intricacies of plastic composition but rather a straightforward  approach to providing solutions that work. This simplicity in categorization enhances  accessibility for businesses and consumers alike, enabling them to navigate the market with  ease. 

The classification of the Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market by thickness serves as a  practical guide for industries seeking tailored solutions. By offering a straightforward  categorization of Less than 3 mm, 3 to 8 mm, and Above 8 mm, the market ensures that  businesses and consumers can make informed choices aligned with their specific needs. This  simplicity in categorization reflects a commitment to practicality, adaptability 

By End Use  

The European market for plastic corrugated sheets displays a diverse range of applications,  with distinct segments contributing to its vitality. These sheets find utility across various  sectors, enhancing efficiency and durability in packaging and construction. The market’s  end-use spectrum encompasses Healthcare Packaging, Food Packaging, Automotive  Packaging, Electronics Packaging, Logistics & Transportation, Building & Construction,  Agriculture & Allied Products, and Other miscellaneous applications. 

Healthcare Packaging stands out as a pivotal sector, relying on plastic corrugated sheets to  ensure the safe and secure transport of medical supplies. These sheets provide a robust  protective barrier, preventing damage and contamination during the transit of  pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. 

Food Packaging is another significant domain where plastic corrugated sheets play a crucial  role. They are widely employed to create durable and resilient packaging solutions,  safeguarding food products from external factors such as moisture and physical impact. The  versatility of these sheets makes them adaptable to various packaging requirements within  the food industry. 

The Automotive Packaging sector also leverages plastic corrugated sheets for their  lightweight yet sturdy properties. These sheets contribute to the protection of automotive components during transportation, ensuring that delicate parts reach their destination  intact. 

Electronics Packaging benefits from the anti-static properties of plastic corrugated sheets,  safeguarding electronic devices and components from static electricity. This feature is  particularly vital in the transportation and storage of sensitive electronic equipment,  preventing potential damage. 

Logistics & Transportation relies heavily on the durability and flexibility offered by plastic  corrugated sheets. They serve as efficient materials for creating pallets, boxes, and  containers that can withstand the rigors of transportation, thereby safeguarding the goods  within. 

Building & Construction is a sector where plastic corrugated sheets find application in  various forms. From temporary protective coverings to formwork for concrete structures,  these sheets contribute to the efficiency and resilience of construction processes. 

Agriculture & Allied Products benefit from the use of plastic corrugated sheets in creating  robust packaging solutions for agricultural produce. These sheets provide protection against  environmental factors during storage and transportation, ensuring the freshness and quality  of the agricultural goods. 

The Others category encompasses diverse applications, showcasing the adaptability of  plastic corrugated sheets across different industries. Their versatility allows for innovative  uses beyond the more conventional sectors. 

The European market for plastic corrugated sheets thrives on its diverse applications across  Healthcare Packaging, Food Packaging, Automotive Packaging, Electronics Packaging,  Logistics & Transportation, Building & Construction, Agriculture & Allied Products, and Other  miscellaneous uses. Each sector benefits uniquely from the inherent properties of these  sheets, contributing to the overall resilience and efficiency of various industries.


In the examination of the Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market, we turn our attention to  regional analysis. Geographical factors play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of this market.  Understanding the dynamics within specific regions is essential for a comprehensive view of the  market's performance. 

Europe, being a diverse continent with distinct markets, showcases varying trends in the Plastic  Corrugated Sheets sector. A closer look at different regions provides valuable insights into the  factors influencing market trends and demand. From the bustling urban centers to the serene  countryside, each region contributes uniquely to the overall scenario. 

The Western European market, marked by its economic prosperity and industrial prowess, stands  out as a significant player in the Plastic Corrugated Sheets domain. The demand here is often driven  by the robust manufacturing sector and the need for efficient packaging solutions. The thriving  business environment fuels the adoption of these sheets for diverse applications. 

Moving towards Central Europe, we observe a different dynamic. The market in this region is  influenced by a mix of established industries and emerging markets. The versatility of Plastic  Corrugated Sheets finds application in various sectors, from agriculture to logistics. The adaptability  of these sheets to different environments contributes to their popularity in this diverse region. 

Eastern Europe, with its unique blend of history and rapid economic development, adds another  layer to the analysis. The Plastic Corrugated Sheets market here reflects a balance between  traditional and modern applications. As industries evolve, the demand for innovative packaging  solutions continues to grow, and Plastic Corrugated Sheets find their place in this evolving  landscape. 

Northern Europe, characterized by its colder climate and resource-rich landscapes, has its own set of  considerations. Here, the robustness and durability of Plastic Corrugated Sheets become crucial  factors. Industries dealing with harsh weather conditions, such as agriculture and construction, rely  on these sheets for their protective and resilient qualities. 

Southern Europe, known for its Mediterranean charm and agricultural abundance, also contributes  to the regional mosaic. The application of Plastic Corrugated Sheets in agriculture for greenhouse  roofing and packaging resonates with the needs of this region. The market dynamics are shaped by  factors such as climate, agriculture practices, and evolving consumer preferences.

Delving into the regional nuances of the Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market provides a  comprehensive understanding of its diverse landscape. From the economically vibrant West to the  historically rich East, each region contributes to the overall tapestry of market trends. The  adaptability and versatility of Plastic Corrugated Sheets make them a staple in various industries  across the continent, reflecting the intricate interplay between regional factors and market  demands. 


In the realm of the European market for plastic corrugated sheets, several key players contribute  significantly to the industry's dynamics. These companies play a crucial role in shaping the landscape  and influencing market trends. 

Corplex stands out as one of the prominent entities in this sector. The company's commitment to  quality and innovation has positioned it as a noteworthy player. Its contributions extend beyond  mere product provision, encompassing a dedication to meeting the evolving needs of the market. 

Simona AG represents another influential participant in the plastic corrugated sheets industry. The  company's strategic approach and emphasis on customer satisfaction have contributed to its  standing in the competitive arena. Simona AG's involvement is not merely about manufacturing; it  extends to creating solutions that resonate with the diverse requirements of the market. 

Polyflute, with its distinct market presence, adds a layer of diversity to the competitive landscape.  The company's strategies align with addressing market demands effectively. Polyflute's contributions  are marked by a focus on versatility and adaptability, catering to the dynamic nature of the plastic  corrugated sheets market. 

Distriplast SAS brings its unique strengths to the industry, contributing to the overall  competitiveness. The company's emphasis on operational efficiency and customer-centric  approaches reflects its understanding of the market intricacies. Distriplast SAS's role goes beyond  being a market player; it actively participates in shaping industry trends. 

Inteplast Group, operating under the brand name Coroplast, is a significant entity influencing the  European plastic corrugated sheets market. The company's strategies encompass a holistic  approach, addressing not only product quality but also the changing needs of customers. Inteplast  Group's presence adds a layer of dynamism to the competitive environment. 

Twinplast Limited rounds off the list of key players in this industry. The company's role is  noteworthy, contributing to the competitive dynamics through its commitment to excellence. Twinplast Limited's influence extends beyond product offerings, involving a proactive engagement  with market demands. 

The competitive interplay among these key players shapes the European plastic corrugated sheets  market. Their distinct approaches, strategies, and contributions collectively define the trajectory of  the industry. While each company brings its unique strengths to the table, the overarching goal  remains the same – meeting market demands effectively and efficiently. 

The competitive landscape of the European plastic corrugated sheets market is marked by the active  involvement of key players. Corplex, Simona AG, Polyflute, Distriplast SAS, Inteplast Group  (Coroplast), and Twinplast Limited collectively contribute to the industry's vibrancy, each playing a  crucial role in steering market trends and meeting customer needs. Their presence underscores the  dynamic nature of the plastic corrugated sheets market in Europe. 

Plastic Corrugated Sheets Market Key Segments: 

By Material Type 

  • Polyethylene (PE) 
  • Polypropylene (PP) 
  • Others 

By Thickness 

  • Less than 3 mm 
  • 3 to 8 mm 
  • Above 8 mm 

By End Use 

  • Healthcare Packaging 
  • Food Packaging 
  • Automotive Packaging 
  • Electronics Packaging 
  • Logistics & Transportation 
  • Building & Construction
  • Agriculture & Allied Products 
  • Others 

Key Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets Industry Players 

  • Corplex 
  • Simona AG 
  • Polyflute 
  • Distriplast SAS 
  • Inteplast Group (Coroplast) 
  • Twinplast Limited 
  • Primex Plastics Corporation. 
  • KARTON S.p.A. 
  • Palram Industries Ltd. 
  • FlutePlast 
  • Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation 
  • Röhm GmbH (PLEXIGLAS) 
  • Plaskolite (Plazit Polygal) 
  • Protec International Ltd 
  • Brett Martin Ltd


  • Full in-depth analysis of the parent Industry 
  • Important changes in market and its dynamics 
  • Segmentation details of the market 
  • Former, on-going, and projected market analysis in terms of volume and value Assessment of niche industry developments 
  • Market share analysis 
  • Key strategies of major players 
  • Emerging segments and regional growth potential 

1. Market Introduction
1.1. Executive Summary
1.2. Market Definition
1.3. Market Scope
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Primary Research
2.2. Research Methodology
2.3. Assumptions & Exclusions
2.4. Secondary data sources
3. Plastic Corrugated Sheets Market Overview
3.1. Report Segmentation & Scope
3.2. Key Market Trend
3.3. Drivers
3.3.1. Increasing Demand for Recyclable and Sustainable Packaging Options Drives
the Adoption of Plastic Corrugated Sheets in The Packaging Industry.
3.3.2. Rising Construction Activities and The Need for Cost-Effective, Durable
Materials Fuel the Demand for Plastic Corrugated Sheets in Building
3.4. Restraints
3.4.1. Stringent Regulations and Growing Environmental Concerns Regarding Plastic
Use Limit Market Growth.
3.4.2. Availability of Alternative Materials Like Cardboard and Metal Sheets That
Offer Similar Benefits Poses a Challenge.
3.5. Opportunity
3.5.1. Development of Biodegradable and Eco-Friendly Corrugated Plastic Sheets
Presents a Significant Opportunity for Market Expansion Amidst Rising
Environmental Awareness.
3.6. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
3.6.1. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
3.7. Market Share Analysis
4. Material Type Overview
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. Market Size & Forecast
4.2. Polyethylene (PE)
4.2.1. Market Size & Forecast
4.3. Polypropylene (PP)
4.3.1. Market Size & Forecast
4.4. Others
4.4.1. Market Size & Forecast
5. Thickness Overview
5.1. Introduction
5.1.1. Market Size & Forecast
5.2. Less than 3 mm
5.2.1. Market Size & Forecast
5.3. 3 to 8 mm
5.3.1. Market Size & Forecast
5.4. Above 8 mm
5.4.1. Market Size & Forecast
6. End Use Overview
6.1. Introduction
6.1.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.2. Healthcare Packaging
6.2.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.3. Food Packaging
6.3.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.4. Automotive Packaging
6.4.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.5. Electronics Packaging
6.5.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.6. Logistics & Transportation
6.6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.7. Building & Construction
6.7.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.8. Agriculture & Allied Products
6.8.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.9. Others
6.9.1. Market Size & Forecast
7. Plastic Corrugated Sheets Market Regional Overview
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.2. Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets Market
7.2.1. Europe Market Size & Forecast, By Country
7.2.2. Europe Market Size & Forecast, By Material Type
7.2.3. Europe Market Size & Forecast, By Thickness
7.2.4. Europe Market Size & Forecast, By End Use
7.2.5. Germany Market Size and Forecast
7.2.6. France Market Size and Forecast
7.2.7. UK Market Size and Forecast
7.2.8. Italy Market Size and Forecast
7.2.9. Spain Market Size and Forecast
7.2.10. Rest of Europe Market Size and Forecast
8. Company Profile
8.1. Corplex
8.1.1. Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its
8.1.2. Corplex Product Category, Application, and Specification
8.1.3. Corplex Financial Performance (2020-2022)
8.1.4. Main Business/Business Overview
8.2. Simona AG
8.3. Polyflute
8.4. Distriplast SAS
8.5. Inteplast Group (Coroplast)
8.6. Twinplast Limited
8.7. Primex Plastics Corporation.
8.8. KARTON S.p.A.
8.9. Palram Industries Ltd.
8.10. FlutePlast
8.11. Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
8.12. Röhm GmbH (PLEXIGLAS)
8.13. Plaskolite (Plazit Polygal)
8.14. Protec International Ltd
8.15. Brett Martin Ltd

  • Corplex
  • Simona AG
  • Polyflute
  • Distriplast SAS
  • Inteplast Group (Coroplast)
  • Twinplast Limited
  • Primex Plastics Corporation.
  • KARTON S.p.A.
  • Palram Industries Ltd.
  • FlutePlast
  • Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
  • Röhm GmbH (PLEXIGLAS)
  • Plaskolite (Plazit Polygal)
  • Protec International Ltd
  • Brett Martin Ltd


Frequently Asked Questions

Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market is valued at $353.4 million in 2024.
Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 4.3% from 2024 to 2031.
Europe Plastic Corrugated Sheets market is estimated to reach $474.7 million by 2031.
Top players operating in the Plastic Corrugated Sheets industry includes Corplex, Simona AG, Polyflute, Distriplast SAS, Inteplast Group (Coroplast),